Windows Support =============== .. contents:: Topics .. _windows_how_does_it_work: windows下的运行方式 ````````````````````` 就如你刚所了解到的,Ansible默认是通过SSH协议来管理Linux/Unix服务器. 从1.7版本开始,Ansible也开始支持Windows机器的管理.不过是通过本机的PowerShell来实现远程管理,而不是SSH. Ansible仍然通过一台Linux系统机器来进行集中管理,使用Python的 "winrm" 模块来和远程主机交互. 在管理的过程是 Ansible无需在远程主机上安装任何额外的软件,Ansible仍然使用 agentless(非c/s架构) 来保证其在 Linux/Unix的流行度. 需要注意的是有开始这章前你最好对对 Ansible 有一个预先的了解,如果你还没有写过一个 Playbook, 那最好先跳到playbook的章节先了解熟悉再开始本章内容. .. _windows_installing: 安装管理机 ``````````` On a Linux control machine:: pip install 如果你想通过活动目录连接域帐户进行发布(相对本地帐户在远程主机上创建):: pip install kerberos Kerberos 在 OS X 和许多 Linux 发行版中是默认安装且配置好的.如果你的管理机上还没有安装,那你需要执行如上的命令. .. _windows_inventory: Inventory ````````` Ansible's支持windows需要依赖于少量标准变量来表明远程主机的username, password, and connection type (windows).这些变量大部分都很容易被设置好.在 Ansible 中通过用来代替 SSH-keys 或 密码输入:: [windows] 在 group_vars/windows.yml,定义如下 inventory 变量:: # it is suggested that these be encrypted with ansible-vault: # ansible-vault edit group_vars/windows.yml ansible_ssh_user: Administrator ansible_ssh_pass: SecretPasswordGoesHere ansible_ssh_port: 5986 ansible_connection: winrm 需要注意的是这里的 ssh_port 不是真正的SSH协议的端口,but this is a holdover variable name from how Ansible is mostly an SSH-oriented system.(这句也没看懂)再重复一遍,Windows 管理主机不是通过SSH协议. 如果你已经安装了 ``kerberos`` 模块和 ``ansible_ssh_user`` 包括 ``@`` (e.g. ``username@realm``), Ansible会先尝试Kerberos认证. * 这种方式主要用你通过Kerberos在远程主机上的认证而不是 ``ansible_ssh_user`` * .如果上述办法失败了,要么是因为你没有在管理机上签署(signed into)Kerberos,要么是因为远程主机上对应的域帐户不可用,接着 Ansible 将返回原始("plain")username/password的认证方式. 当你使用 playbook 时,请不要忘记指定 --ask-vault-pass 提供密码来解锁文件. 使用如下命令来测试你的配置,尝试连接你的 Windows 节点.注意:这不是ICMP ping,只是利用 Windows 远程工具来检测 Ansible 的信道是否正常:: ansible windows [-i inventory] -m win_ping --ask-vault-pass 如果你还没有在你的系统上做任何准备工作,那上面的命令是无法正常工作的. 在下面最近的章节将会介绍 "how to enable PowerShell remoting" - 如果有需要的话也将介绍 "how to upgrade PowerShell to a version that is 3 or higher" . 你可以稍后再执行该命令,以确保一切都能正常工作. .. _windows_system_prep: Windows System Prep ``````````````````` 为了 Ansible 能管理你的windows机器,你将必须开启并配置远程机器上PowerShell. 为了能自动化设置 WinRM,你可以在远程机器上执行 `this PowerShell script `_ Admins有可能希望微调配置,例如延长证过期时间. .. note:: Windows 7 和 Server 2008 R2 系统因为 Windows Management Framework 3.0的BUG,你必须安装 hotfix 来避免内存溢出(OOM)和堆栈异常. 新安装的 Server 2008 R2 系统没有升级到最新版本的均存在这个问题. Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 不受影响是因为他们自身默认使用的是 Windows Management Framework 4.0. .. _getting_to_powershell_three_or_higher: Getting to PowerShell 3.0 or higher ``````````````````````````````````` 多数 Ansible Windows 模块需要 PowerShell 3.0 或更高版本,同时也需要在其基础上运行安装脚本. 需要注意的是 PowerShell 3.0 只在 Windows 7 SP1 ,Windows Server 2008 SP1, 和更新的windows发布版才被支持. 找到 Ansible 的checkout版本,复制 copy the `examples/scripts/upgrade_to_ps3.ps1 `_ 脚本到远程主机同时以Administrator角色的帐户运行 PowerShell 控制台. 你就可以运行 PowerShell 3 并可以通过上面介绍的 win_ping 技术来测试连通性. .. 可用的windows模块: 可用的windows模块 `````````````````````````` 大多数 Ansible 模块尤其核心Ansible设计来组合 Linux/Unix 机器和任意 web services. 尽管 `"windows" subcategory of the Ansible module index `_ 列举了各种各校的 Windows 模块. 浏览上面的索引查看可用模块. 很多情况下, 其实没有必要写或者使用 Ansible 模块. 尤其, "script" 模块可以用来执行任意 PowerShell 脚本,允许 Windows administrators 组所有用户通过 PowerSehll 以非常本地化的方式做任何事情.就像如下的 playbook:: - hosts: windows tasks: - script: foo.ps1 --argument --other-argument 注意: 有一小部分 Ansible 模块不是以 "win" 开头但依然是函数,包括 "slurp","raw",和"setup"(fact 收集的工作原理). .. _developers_developers_developers: 开发者:支持的模块及工作原理 `````````````````````````````````````````````` 开发 ansible 模块主要在 `later section of the documentation `_ 介绍,专注于 Linux/Unix 平台. 如果你想编写 Windows 的 ansible 模块该怎么办呢? Windows 平台主要通过 PowerShell 模块实现. 开始之前可以先略过 Linux/Unix 模块开发章节. Windows 模块在 Ansible "library/" 子目录下的 "windows/" 子目录下. 例如,如果一个模块命名为 "library/windows/win_ping",那将会在 "win_ping" 文件中嵌入一个文档,实际的 PowerShell 代码将存在 "win_ping.ps1" 文件. 看下源代码会有更深入的了解. 模块(ps1 files)文件应该以如下格式开头:: #!powershell # # WANT_JSON # POWERSHELL_COMMON # code goes here, reading in stdin as JSON and outputting JSON 如上代码是为了告诉 ansible 合入一些代码并且 The above magic is necessary to tell Ansible to mix in some common code and also know how to push modules out. 常规代码包括好包装例如哈希数据结构,jason格式标准输出,还有一些更有用的东西.常规 Ansible 有着重复利用 Python 代码的理念 - 这点 Windows 也是等同的. 你刚看到的 windows/ 模块只是一个开始. 附加模块已经被 git push 到 github上了. .. _windows_and_linux_control_machine: 提醒:控制机必须是Linux系统 ``````````````````````````````````````````````` Windows 控制机不是这个项目的目标. Ansible 不会开发这个功能,因为受限于技术,产品和我们未来主要项目使用的代码. 一台Linux控制机是必须的,可以用来管理 Windows 机器. Cygwin 也是不被支持的,所以请不要要求 Ansible 基于 Cygwin 来运行. .. _windows_facts: Windows Facts ````````````` Just as with Linux/Unix, facts can be gathered for windows hosts, which will return things such as the operating system version. To see what variables are available about a windows host, run the following:: ansible -m setup Note that this command invocation is exactly the same as the Linux/Unix equivalent. .. _windows_playbook_example: Windows Playbook Examples ````````````````````````` Look to the list of windows modules for most of what is possible, though also some modules like "raw" and "script" also work on Windows, as do "fetch" and "slurp". Here is an example of pushing and running a PowerShell script:: - name: test script module hosts: windows tasks: - name: run test script script: files/test_script.ps1 Running individual commands uses the 'raw' module, as opposed to the shell or command module as is common on Linux/Unix operating systems:: - name: test raw module hosts: windows tasks: - name: run ipconfig raw: ipconfig register: ipconfig - debug: var=ipconfig And for a final example, here's how to use the win_stat module to test for file existence. Note that the data returned by the win_stat module is slightly different than what is provided by the Linux equivalent:: - name: test stat module hosts: windows tasks: - name: test stat module on file win_stat: path="C:/Windows/win.ini" register: stat_file - debug: var=stat_file - name: check stat_file result assert: that: - "stat_file.stat.exists" - "not stat_file.stat.isdir" - "stat_file.stat.size > 0" - "stat_file.stat.md5" Again, recall that the Windows modules are all listed in the Windows category of modules, with the exception that the "raw", "script", and "fetch" modules are also available. These modules do not start with a "win" prefix. .. _windows_contributions: Windows Contributions ````````````````````` Windows support in Ansible is still very new, and contributions are quite welcome, whether this is in the form of new modules, tweaks to existing modules, documentation, or something else. Please stop by the ansible-devel mailing list if you would like to get involved and say hi. .. seealso:: :doc:`developing_modules` How to write modules :doc:`playbooks` Learning ansible's configuration management language `List of Windows Modules `_ Windows specific module list, all implemented in PowerShell `Mailing List `_ Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups ` `_ #ansible IRC chat channel