.. _dynamic_inventory: 动态 Inventory ================= .. contents:: Topics 配置管理系统的用户经常会有一种需求,即在不同的软件系统中保存 inventory。Ansible 提供一种基于文本的系统(详见 :doc:`intro_inventory` ), 但如果你想使用其他的方式保存呢? 一些常见的例子如:从云端拉取 inventory, LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,轻量级目录访问协议),`Cobbler `_, 或者是一份昂贵的企业版的 CMDB(配置管理数据库) 软件。 Ansible 通过外部 inventory 系统支持以上的选择。插件目录包已经含有一些选项 -- 包括 EC2/Eucalyptus, Rackspace Cloud, and OpenStack, 稍后会详细介绍它们。 :doc: `tower` 也提供了一个数据库来存储 inventory , 支持 web 或 REST 访问。Tower 与所有你使用的 Ansible 动态 inventory 源保持同步,也提供一个 图形化的 inventory 编辑器。有了记录着你的所有主机的数据库记录,便可以关联过去的事件历史,可以看到在上一次 playbook 运行时,哪一个出现了运行失败的情况。 更多关于如何编写你自己的动态 inventory 源的信息,请参见 :doc:`developing_inventory`. .. _cobbler_example: 示例:外部 Inventory 脚本之 Cobbler `````````````````````````````````````````````` 可以预料的是,很多 Ansible 用户在管理一定的,合理的数量的物理硬件时,可能也是 `Cobbler `_ 的用户。 (注释: Cobbler 最初由 Michael DeHaan 编写,现在项目主导人是 James Cammarata, 他目前在 Ansible 公司工作). Cobbler 除了主要用于操作系统的 kickoff 安装,管理 DHCP 和 DNS, 它也有一个通用层,允许它为多种配置管理系统(甚至是同时的)表示数据。 所以也被一些管理员称为是 轻量级的 CMDB. 将 Ansible 的 inventory 与 Cobbler 联系起来的方法: 将脚本 `script `_ 拷贝到 /etc/ansible, 通过 `chmod +x` 赋予可执行权限。现在使用 Ansible 之前,cobblerd 进程需要先运行起来。现在使用 Ansible 需要加上 ``-i`` 选项 (e.g. ``-i /etc/ansible/cobbler.py``). 这个脚本会与 Cobbler 通信, 使用 Cobbler 的 XMLRPC API。 首先,直接运行 ``/etc/ansible/cobbler.py`` ,测试是否能正常运行。你应该看到一些 JSON 格式的输出数据,但是里面可能还没有具体的内容。 让我们探索一下它能做什么。在 cobbler 中,假设一个场景如下:: cobbler profile add --name=webserver --distro=CentOS6-x86_64 cobbler profile edit --name=webserver --mgmt-classes="webserver" --ksmeta="a=2 b=3" cobbler system edit --name=foo --dns-name="foo.example.com" --mgmt-classes="atlanta" --ksmeta="c=4" cobbler system edit --name=bar --dns-name="bar.example.com" --mgmt-classes="atlanta" --ksmeta="c=5" 上面这个例子中, system 中的 'foo.example.com' 将直接被 ansible 寻址, 但在使用组 'webserver' 或 'atlanta' 时也将被寻址. 因为 Ansible使用的是 SSH,所以我们可以而且只能通过'foo.example.com' 来connect system foo,如果只是 'foo' 则找不到.类似的,如果你尝试使用 "ansible foo" 也无法找到 system...但是 "ansible 'foo*'" 是可以的,因为 system DNS name 是以 foo 开头的. 该脚本不仅提供了主机和组信息. 额外的,作为奖励,当 'setup' 模块运行的时候(当使用 playbooks 时会自动运行), 'a','b','c' 变量会自动填充到模块:: # file: /srv/motd.j2 Welcome, I am templated with a value of a={{ a }}, b={{ b }}, and c={{ c }} 可以像如下方式运行:: ansible webserver -m setup ansible webserver -m template -a "src=/tmp/motd.j2 dest=/etc/motd" .. note:: 'webserver' 来自cobbler, 配置文件中的变量也一样. 你可以像往常一样在 Ansible中声明变量,但是如果引用自外部inventory脚本的变量名和声名的脚本名称冲突一样,那么你声明的变量将会被外部inventory脚本中的变量值所覆盖. 所以,在应用如上示例的的模板时(motd.j2),会导致system 'foo' 被写入 /etc/motd 中:: Welcome, I am templated with a value of a=2, b=3, and c=4 还有 system 'bar' (bar.example.com):: Welcome, I am templated with a value of a=2, b=3, and c=5 从技术上来讲,虽然没有非常好的理由推荐如下方式,但它确实能正常工作:: ansible webserver -m shell -a "echo {{ a }}" 换而言之,你可以在 arguments/actions 中同样使用那些变量. 举个aws的外部Inventory脚本调用案例. .. _aws_example: Example: AWS EC2 External Inventory Script `````````````````````````````````````````` 如果你在用 Amazon Web Services EC2 服务,维护 inventory 文件是非常不方便的,因为机器总归有进有出,机器数量多少取决于扩展应用或者你甚至有可能在使用 AWS 的 autoscaling 功能. 正是因为这个原因,你可以使用`EC2 external inventory `_ script 该脚本有两种使用方式.最简单的办法是使用 Ansible's ``-i``命令行参数,然后紧跟指定脚本路径即可:: ansible -i ec2.py -u ubuntu us-east-1d -m ping 第二种方式是 copy 脚本到 `/etc/ansible/hosts` 并且添加可执行权限 `chmod +x` it. 同时你需要 copy 文件 `ec2.ini ` 到 `/etc/ansible/ec2.ini`.接下来我们可以正常运行 ansible了. 为了能正常调用 AWS 的 API 接口,你需要配置 Boto (AWS的Python接口).这里有一系列调用方法可供参考 `variety of methods `, 但是最简单的办法还是声明下面两个环境变量即可:: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='AK123' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='abc123' 我们可能通过如下命令来检测配置是否正确可用:: cd plugins/inventory ./ec2.py --list 过一小会,你可以看到所有地区的 EC2 inventory 服务器列表并且以 JSON 的方式进行展现. 因为每个区域各自的 API 调用接口都是相互独立的,如果你只使用了一个区域中的少部分机器,只需要修改 ``ec2.ini`` 列出你有需要的区域即可. ``ec2.ini`` 还有一些其它的配置包括 cache control(高速缓存配置), destination variables (目的变量等). 其实, inventory 文件只是一个主机名和地址的遇敌关系表. 默认 ``ec2.ini`` At their heart, inventory files are simply a mapping from some name to a destination address. The default ``ec2.ini`` settings are configured for running Ansible from outside EC2 (from your laptop for example) -- and this is not the most efficient way to manage EC2. 如果 If you are running Ansible from within EC2, internal DNS names and IP addresses may make more sense than public DNS names. In this case, you can modify the ``destination_variable`` in ``ec2.ini`` to be the private DNS name of an instance. This is particularly important when running Ansible within a private subnet inside a VPC, where the only way to access an instance is via its private IP address. For VPC instances, `vpc_destination_variable` in ``ec2.ini`` provides a means of using which ever `boto.ec2.instance variable `_ makes the most sense for your use case. The EC2 external inventory provides mappings to instances from several groups: Global All instances are in group ``ec2``. Instance ID These are groups of one since instance IDs are unique. e.g. ``i-00112233`` ``i-a1b1c1d1`` Region A group of all instances in an AWS region. e.g. ``us-east-1`` ``us-west-2`` Availability Zone A group of all instances in an availability zone. e.g. ``us-east-1a`` ``us-east-1b`` Security Group Instances belong to one or more security groups. A group is created for each security group, with all characters except alphanumerics, dashes (-) converted to underscores (_). Each group is prefixed by ``security_group_`` e.g. ``security_group_default`` ``security_group_webservers`` ``security_group_Pete_s_Fancy_Group`` Tags Each instance can have a variety of key/value pairs associated with it called Tags. The most common tag key is 'Name', though anything is possible. Each key/value pair is its own group of instances, again with special characters converted to underscores, in the format ``tag_KEY_VALUE`` e.g. ``tag_Name_Web`` ``tag_Name_redis-master-001`` ``tag_aws_cloudformation_logical-id_WebServerGroup`` When the Ansible is interacting with a specific server, the EC2 inventory script is called again with the ``--host HOST`` option. This looks up the HOST in the index cache to get the instance ID, and then makes an API call to AWS to get information about that specific instance. It then makes information about that instance available as variables to your playbooks. Each variable is prefixed by ``ec2_``. Here are some of the variables available: - ec2_architecture - ec2_description - ec2_dns_name - ec2_id - ec2_image_id - ec2_instance_type - ec2_ip_address - ec2_kernel - ec2_key_name - ec2_launch_time - ec2_monitored - ec2_ownerId - ec2_placement - ec2_platform - ec2_previous_state - ec2_private_dns_name - ec2_private_ip_address - ec2_public_dns_name - ec2_ramdisk - ec2_region - ec2_root_device_name - ec2_root_device_type - ec2_security_group_ids - ec2_security_group_names - ec2_spot_instance_request_id - ec2_state - ec2_state_code - ec2_state_reason - ec2_status - ec2_subnet_id - ec2_tag_Name - ec2_tenancy - ec2_virtualization_type - ec2_vpc_id Both ``ec2_security_group_ids`` and ``ec2_security_group_names`` are comma-separated lists of all security groups. Each EC2 tag is a variable in the format ``ec2_tag_KEY``. To see the complete list of variables available for an instance, run the script by itself:: cd plugins/inventory ./ec2.py --host ec2-12-12-12-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com Note that the AWS inventory script will cache results to avoid repeated API calls, and this cache setting is configurable in ec2.ini. To explicitly clear the cache, you can run the ec2.py script with the ``--refresh-cache`` parameter:: # ./ec2.py --refresh-cache .. _other_inventory_scripts: Other inventory scripts ``````````````````````` In addition to Cobbler and EC2, inventory scripts are also available for:: BSD Jails DigitalOcean Google Compute Engine Linode OpenShift OpenStack Nova Red Hat's SpaceWalk Vagrant (not to be confused with the provisioner in vagrant, which is preferred) Zabbix Sections on how to use these in more detail will be added over time, but by looking at the "plugins/" directory of the Ansible checkout it should be very obvious how to use them. The process for the AWS inventory script is the same. If you develop an interesting inventory script that might be general purpose, please submit a pull request -- we'd likely be glad to include it in the project. .. _using_multiple_sources: Using Multiple Inventory Sources ```````````````````````````````` If the location given to -i in Ansible is a directory (or as so configured in ansible.cfg), Ansible can use multiple inventory sources at the same time. When doing so, it is possible to mix both dynamic and statically managed inventory sources in the same ansible run. Instant hybrid cloud! .. _static_groups_of_dynamic: Static Groups of Dynamic Groups ``````````````````````````````` When defining groups of groups in the static inventory file, the child groups must also be defined in the static inventory file, or ansible will return an error. If you want to define a static group of dynamic child groups, define the dynamic groups as empty in the static inventory file. For example:: [tag_Name_staging_foo] [tag_Name_staging_bar] [staging:children] tag_Name_staging_foo tag_Name_staging_bar .. seealso:: :doc:`intro_inventory` All about static inventory files `Mailing List `_ Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups `irc.freenode.net `_ #ansible IRC chat channel